Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hot - The Last Song

The Last Song Pictures, Images and Photos

OMG, i think i just died and went to heaven! So "The Last Song" Is a movie starring Miley cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, Greg Kinnear, Kelly Preston & a few others - including that really weird annoying kid off the martian movie with john Cusak. LOL. That kid makes me laugh he's totally gimpy (in a cute way) and he breathes and talks like all whispery.. Anyway, back to the story:
The book was originally written by nicolas sparks, & then adpated into a movie.

Miley plays this girl Veronica "Ronnie" Miller.
Miley Cyrus Pictures, Images and Photos

Shes seventeen, & her parents are divorced. Before that happened, her father; who is like this amazing concert pianist was teaching her how to play. She's like supposed to be really great, and then after the divorce and after her father moves to Georgia, she stops playing piano and talking to her dad in favour of partying with friends etc.. You know, the classic "im a rebelious teen because my parents divorced and left me heartbroken.. hence the reason i can do whatever i want." Im kind of getting sick of that whole rebellious teenager role, but apart from that it sounds pretty sweet. So anyway Ronnie falls in love with a superficially attractive boy, Will (Liam Hemsworth)
Liam Pictures, Images and Photos

and then reconnects with her father through their love of music. This is after she meet's Will, so the movie gives off the message "Love conquers all." Which also kinda pisses me off coz Miley (Ronnie) is walking around being a bitch until she falls in love and then shes nice to her father. Uh, HELLO! Girls dont need a man to make them happy! Okay?

Overall, from what iv'e seen from the movie it looks surprisingly good (apart from the points mentioned above) and even those who aren't huge Miley fans, should enjoy this because Miley isnt acting as Hannah Montana, which i know can get very annoying after some period of time. Hey, i love Miley just as much as the next guy, but she has a tendancy to "Over talk" her words and i am proud to report, their is no honky voice or over active mouth to ruin the whole experience (:

Movie comes out in April 2010.

Peace Suckers! (:


MigFly said...

You also great blog!!!
Looks awesome!

Bexs said...

Thanks (:

Vicky said...

Not really a Miley fan but i watched the trailer and it actually looked good! so cant wait 2 c it! gud job by the way!

BJA said...

Love the pink nail varnish !
